7 tips for tidying up your cellar
When going to the basement becomes a nuisance because you have to squeeze through old cardboard boxes, empty bottles, lawn mowers and sports equipment, it's time to clean out the basement properly! With our seven tips, you can tidy up your basement and make room for new stuff.

Who doesn't know the problem: Everything that has no place at home is banished to the cellar. But at some point, even this is filled to the brim with things that you no longer even remember. When going to the cellar becomes a nuisance because you have to squeeze through old cardboard boxes, empty bottles, lawn mowers and sports equipment, it's time to clean out the cellar properly! With our seven tips, you can tidy up your cellar and make room for new stuff.
1. Chaos is okay
Be prepared for chaos during the decluttering process. You have to work through almost the entire cellar to be able to judge what you can still use and what can depart this life. If you have fewer things in your cellar, the whole procedure will take an afternoon, but it can also turn into a weekend project. First empty all drawers, cupboards and shelves and get an overview.
2. Study and sort
When sorting, you should sort by categories and put similar things together. For example, you can put all your sports equipment or tools together. Check all cardboard boxes or plastic boxes for contents, properly label them if necessary and sort them as well. You can organise more precisely when you sort.
3. Part with things!
Important: The first thing you should do is prepare trash bags, old clothes bags and collection boxes for later disposal. While you're sorting, you can separate the usable from the unusable. This makes it easier to organise afterwards and gives you more space in your cellar. Have you used the item in the last year? Is the item rare, valuable or does it have sentimental value? If you can answer no to these questions, you can pass it on to someone else or dispose of it without a guilty conscience.
4. Just clean
Use the time you spend clearing out to clean your cellar and stored items thoroughly. It's an ideal opportunity to rid the cellar floor of any dust that may have accumulated over the years.
5. Purposefully organised
The things you have sorted by category should be stored in the cellar according to the same principle. Put all the things for the car such as the tyres, snow chains or cleaning equipment in one area, and the leisure equipment with skateboard, helmet, bike equipment and golf clubs together in another area of the cellar.
6. Frequently used first
When organising, consider which things you need most often. Items that are rarely used can be stored further back or in places that are more difficult to reach. You only need to take the winter tyres out once a year, so they can be stored away (there are certain points to bear in mind when storing tyres, read more about this here). You can also organise your cellar on a yearly basis. This way, the lawn mower can take a back seat in winter and you don't need the road salt in summer.
7. Overview
Get into the habit of writing on all the things you keep in boxes. This saves you the hassle of searching for things. When sorting, start from the basic principle that you can see and access everything. To be able to see everything better, it's best to store your things in transparent boxes.
These seven tips should bring order back to your cellar. We hope we have been able to help you a little and motivate you to start decluttering.

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